
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

New life for my old HP laptop, Flex6400 scare, Social Media Police ( wannabes)

 HP Laptop:

I bought this HP back in 2010. It has been largely a disappointment, but I decided to try and extend its usefulness by adding another 4G of memory, bring it up to a total of 8G which is the most it will take. Also the battery was not holding a charge so I bought a new battery for about $30 from BattDepot. The cost of the memory was only $15 from  MemoryStock.

Adding the memory help some especially since this PC was upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8 and finally to Window 10 64bit.  Only issue now is it won't be able to upgrade to Windows 11 due to some BIOS issue.

Flex6400 scare:

Well, it happened to me again. My 6400 starting losing communication with my computer. But this time we were able to recover, and I think I know what might of caused the problem!

A month after I received my first 6400, I tried setting it up with SmartLink. Just to see if I could get it running, which it seem to run correctly. Not really being interested in remote operating and not willing to add all the traffic to my local network, I powered down my radio and reconnected it directly to my computers Ethernet port and powered it back up. That seems to be when I started having communication problems. see the post: 

 So for some stupid reason, I decided to redo the experiment. I was going to see if I could allow some of our local hams to get on the HF bands who could not do so from their QTH for what ever reason.

Well, guess what? you guessed it, I started having communication issues again. Fortunately, between updating to the latest software and doing a factory reset, we were able to resolve the problem. We meaning Flex tech support. They do a great job. Very responsive and knowledgeable.

Social Media Police (wannabes):

Well, I posted this on a Facebook page and got a couple of comments that questioned the "relevance" to that particular page. Implying I should not have posted.

What is the relevance? Look at it! This is wrong on so many levels. First, someone is overdriving his audio and generating spurious harmonics that are exceeding bandwidth restriction and causing interference over at least 70kHz on the band. 

As you can see, It is interfering with a CW signal on 28050kHz. Which by the way, is one of the calling frequencies for a certain club. So I ask you is this relevant? (rhetorical)

The good thing about a blog is you don't have to accept comments.

I think I have said enough.

All for now 73!!!


  1. Have you tried to install a Linux distro on your laptop? There are many that are designed to work on older machines. It depends on what software you absolutely require, but for things like word processing, spreadsheets, etc...the Linux variants are interoperable with Microsoft's products.

  2. I rarely upgrade an old computer to modern-day operating systems. Never had much luck in making them work right afterwards (hi hi). Nice blog as always.
    Curt K2CWM

    1. I agree about upgrades. They never seem to do well.
      Thanks for the comment Curt. 73!
